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So, did you save the day Wonder Woman?


Hard to say. There is going to be a lot more to come. A lot of congressional hearings and even more posturing.


Meaning, a lot more you out of the house?


Maybe. There’s going to be a lot for everyone to do.


So, yes then.


Admiral Irving offered to let me captain the next team.


Did you turn her down softly?


I said I’d think about it.


You’re going to do it. Aren’t you?


I only said I’d think about it. I didn’t agree to anything more than that.


That’s just code for “I need to make my family think I’d say no first”.


That isn’t true, Hitch-


Really? Cause you sure seemed to rush out the door the moment you could. You know how embarrassing it was to explain why Phil’s own daughter wasn’t even at the funeral?


Fifteen people had just died for a mission I had to sell the American people on in the first place.


That’s their fault for signing up in the first place. Your family needed you there, not gallivanting in front of any yahoo with a camera.


You were hardly the model of restraint yourself. You said what? Three sentences? Just to get the “show on the road”? The moment I had to leave, it’s a big problem.


I didn’t like your dad. I don’t apologize for that. Your dad didn’t like me. It was charitable of me to say anything at all. I just resent being left to handle all of those people by myself. You could have said something to them.

A family drama with a sci-fi twist. The story follows the familial struggles of Captain Belle Crozier; an astronaut seeking a balance between her earthly ties and her passionate longing for the stars.

The Present Tense


So, did you save the day Wonder Woman?


Hard to say. There is going to be a lot more to come. A lot of congressional hearings and even more posturing.


Meaning, a lot more you out of the house?


Maybe. There’s going to be a lot for everyone to do.


So, yes then.


Admiral Irving offered to let me captain the next team.


Did you turn her down softly?


I said I’d think about it.


You’re going to do it. Aren’t you?


I only said I’d think about it. I didn’t agree to anything more than that.


That’s just code for “I need to make my family think I’d say no first”.


That isn’t true, Hitch-


Really? Cause you sure seemed to rush out the door the moment you could. You know how embarrassing it was to explain why Phil’s own daughter wasn’t even at the funeral?


Fifteen people had just died for a mission I had to sell the American people on in the first place.


That’s their fault for signing up in the first place. Your family needed you there, not gallivanting in front of any yahoo with a camera.


You were hardly the model of restraint yourself. You said what? Three sentences? Just to get the “show on the road”? The moment I had to leave, it’s a big problem.


I didn’t like your dad. I don’t apologize for that. Your dad didn’t like me. It was charitable of me to say anything at all. I just resent being left to handle all of those people by myself. You could have said something to them.

Belle Crozier

I'm not you, Hitch. I don't need things to stay the same forever.

Hitch Crozier (Act 1)*

Don't play the gender card, Belle. You're better than that.

Hitch Crozier (Act 2)*

Am I dead?

Amelia Crozier (Child)*

Grandad could be a real prick sometimes.

Amelia Crozier (Adult)

Ah! Dang it!

Admiral Irving (Act 1)*

It's not just our time, it's your time, Belle. But no pressure one way or another.

Admiral Irving (Act 2)*

My, you are a growing boy, aren't you?

Commander Leslie Spring

There's the regret.

Lt. Terry Hermes

Famous children are an aphrodisiac.

Pastor Greenwich*

Is there anything you need from us, Captain?

Zoey Bakula (Act 1)*

What do you want to tell women who are discouraged from going into the sciences?

Zoey Bakula (Act 2)

We can't have any 50-foot cosmonauts from another dimension rampaging through Houston.

Purple Curtain


* indicates double

Belle Crozier

Female presenting. 40's.

I'm not you, Hitch. I don't need things to stay the same forever.

Hitch Crozier (Act 1)*

Male presenting. 40's.

Don't play the gender card, Belle. You're better than that.

Hitch Crozier (Act 2)*

Male presenting: 60's.

Am I dead?

Amelia Crozier (Child)*

Female presenting. Stutter. Pre-teen.

Grandad could be a real prick sometimes.

Amelia Crozier (Adult)

Female presenting. 20's.

Ah! Dang it!

Admiral Irving (Act 1)*

Female Presenting. 50's.

It's not just our time, it's your time, Belle. But no pressure one way or another.

Admiral Irving (Act 2)*

Female presenting. 70's.

My, you are a growing boy, aren't you?

Commander Leslie Spring

Non-binary character. 30's.

There's the regret.

Lt. Terry Hermes

Male presenting. 29 years old.

Famous children are an aphrodisiac.

Pastor Greenwich*

Female presenting. Any age.

Is there anything you need from us, Captain?

Zoey Bakula (Act 1)*

Female presenting. Rhode Island accent. Pre-teen. Voice Over Only.

What do you want to tell women who are discouraged from going into the sciences?

Zoey Bakula (Act 2)

Female presenting. Rhode Island accent. 20's.

We can't have any 50-foot cosmonauts from another dimension rampaging through Houston.

Belle Crozier
Female presenting. 40's.
Hitch Crozier (Act 1)*
Male presenting. 40's.
Hitch Crozier (Act 2)*
Male presenting: 60's.
Amelia Crozier (Child)*
Female presenting. Stutter. Pre-teen.
Amelia Crozier (Adult)
Female presenting. 20's.
Admiral Irving (Act 1)*
Female Presenting. 50's.
Admiral Irving (Act 2)*
Female presenting. 70's.
Commander Leslie Spring
Non-binary character. 30's.
Lt. Terry Hermes
Male presenting. 29 years old.
Pastor Greenwich*
Female presenting. Any age.
Zoey Bakula (Act 1)*
Female presenting. Rhode Island accent. Pre-teen. Voice Over Only.
Zoey Bakula (Act 2)
Female presenting. Rhode Island accent. 20's.
Mission Control*
Voice Over Only
Voice Over Only.
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